Saturday, April 11, 2015

Litapalooza 2015

Thursday, April 16
Litapalooza Literary Festival

This year we welcome two poets to the annual campus literary festival, Litapalooza. Come hear poets Jason Irwin and Rachel Simon read their very different poetry. Bring your own creative works and plan to read, recite, chant, narrate, rap, sing, croon, intone, declaim! Or just come to cheer and stomp for our guest readers and your friends. Refreshments will be provided.
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Tomezsko Lounge

"Fearing the Neighbors"

poem & interview start on page 84

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Neighbors North Evenet:

Neighbors North iCal

Wednesday, April 8 2015 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Featuring poems, anecdotes, history, paintings of working people, the rise and fall and rise-again hopes of a diverse population waiting for a well-deserved break, but still blessed with serious deeds, good humor, and a Great Lake.
Poetry by Gerry Crinnin and Jason Irwin, paintings by Raymond Bonilla, and local history by Wendy Woodbury Straight. Free admission, but reservations appreciated.
JCC North Campus 10807 Bennett Rd. Dunkirk
For more information:
(716) 363-6500